Exploring Compound Interest

Go to a <a href="http://bucks.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/01/07/investing-money-plus-lots-of-time-equals-excitement/">related post</a> about a topic one blogger calls “incredibly important to share with your kids.” »My latest piece for the New York Times Learning Network is a math lesson exploring personal savings and the power of compound interest.  The piece was inspired by a new program in Illinois that creates an automatic payroll-deduction savings program for all state residents.

In addition to exploring the basic ideas of savings and compounding, students are invited to analyze the merits of this state-run program.

The automatic retirement savings program mentioned in the article is described as a zero-fiscal-cost program because it does not require any government funding to run. This is because the savers themselves pay the costs, in the form of fees to financial institutions, amounting to 0.75 percent of their total savings each year.

Have students compute the costs associated with maintaining the account for each of the typical savers they profiled in the previous activity. One way to do this is to compute 0.75 percent of the total value of the savings account each year, before interest is computed. This is an estimate of the amount that would be paid in fees that year, and thus should be subtracted from the amount in savings.

The entire piece is freely available here.  Hopefully students will get a sense of the power and value of long-term savings, and maybe ask a few good questions about the the true price of zero-fiscal-cost programs.

New York State Master Teacher Program

NYSMTPI’m happy to announce that I am now officially a member of the New York State Master Teacher Program.

The NYSMTP is designed to connect great math and science teachers from around New York State through networking, professional development, and professional service.  The program is inspired, in part, by the Math for America Master Teacher program in New York City, which I have been actively involved in for the past 9 years.

This past summer I was fortunate to attend a NYSMTP retreat in upstate New York, and I had a fantastic time.  I talked with teachers from all over the state, and learned a great deal about the many different, and similar, things going on across New York.  I also ran a workshop on using Twitter for professional development, which I think is a natural medium for connecting teachers in a program like this.

I’m looking forward to working more with great colleagues from across New York State!


When Technology Fails

when technology failsAt Math for America’s most recent Master Teachers on Teaching event, I presented “When Technology Fails”, a short talk about how my personal and professional experiences have shaped the way I view and teach technology.

The failure of technology has been a consistent part of my personal and professional computing experience.  These failures have served as excellent learning opportunities, and perhaps more importantly, they have instilled in me a healthy distrust of technology.

As a teacher, I find students far too trusting of technology.  Often, they accept what their calculators or computers tell them unthinkingly.  In my talk, I discuss how we can make students conscious of the shortcomings of technology in ways that create meaningful learning opportunities.  And hopefully, by confronting the failures of technology head on, students will develop a healthier attitude about what technology can, and can’t, do.

A video of “When Technology Fails” can be viewed here.  And a talk I gave at a previous MT^2 event, “g = 4, and Other Lies the Test Told Me”, can be seen here.

2014 — Year in Review

As the year winds down it’s nice to take a quiet moment and remind myself just how busy 2014 was!  A benefit of blogging is how easy it makes this kind of reflection.


Rhombic TriacontahedraIt’s a sign of a great year when lots of new ideas permeate your classroom.

A terrific workshop with George Hart offered by Math for America introduced me to Zometool as a mathematical teaching and learning tool.  In March we had fun with a Pi Day activity I designed, and ever since I’ve been finding ways to make Zometool a part of what we do in all my classes.  I’ve been thinking about symmetry a lot this year, which is a natural place for students to build and explore with Zometool.

I’ve also been working a lot with mathematical and computing technologies in class this year.  We’ve been using Desmos to explore concepts, build mathematical demonstrations,  and learn mathematics.  And we’ve been playing around in Scratch, building simulations and doing some elementary numerical approximations.  I’ve also started experimenting with 3D printing as a mathematical teaching and learning tool, and the preliminary results have been exciting.  I’m hoping to have more opportunities to work with this in the near future.


circumcircleI’ve been very busy speaking and presenting this year.  I ran a variety of workshops in 2014 on topics such as 3D coordinate geometry, matrices, Desmos, and Twitter.

In November I presented “When Technology Fails!” at the 3rd annual Master Teachers on Teaching event at Math for America.  There are some great photos from the event here, and my talk even inspired a colleague to write a blog post!.  And in April I delivered the keynote address at the New York State Mathematics Association of Two-Year Colleges annual conference, giving my talk “Two Views on the Future of Math Education”.


strogatz smallOne of the professional highlights of my year was interviewing mathematician Steven Strogatz for Math Horizons.  Our wide-ranging conversation about mathematics, writing, and teaching was so much fun it ended up being published in three parts, all of which are freely available online!

I proudly continued my work with the New York Times Learning Network this year, where I wrote math lessons about ebola, fair division, March Madness, infographics, and the Olympics.

I also continued my work profiling and analyzing New York State Math Regents exams, including this piece about the curious difference in scoring between the Common Core and non-Common Core Algebra exams.  And on the lighter side, I contributed to this Mashable piece “In Defense of Math“.

So, 2014 was a very busy, but productive, year!  Here’s hoping 2015 is just as good, if not a little bit quieter.

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