On-Line Mathematics Resources

This website offers a number of categorized links to various mathematical resources around the web:


With links to hundreds of external resources on Applied Mathematics, Calculus, Math History, and other topics, there are plenty of e-books to download and websites to interact with.

It seems that the organization that runs the website, Intute, has run out of funding, and so no new content will be added, but the resources that are already there should remain.

Beautiful Weather Graphs

“Beautiful Weather Graphs and Maps” are promised by WeatherSpark, and they deliver.

You can get local forecasts that show a number of projections bounded by highs and lows, or you can look at daily, monthly, or yearly trends that aggregate historical data.

In another section, a variety of interactive maps allow you to look at geographic trends in temperature, wind, humidity, and many other factors.

You can even look at long-term global temperature data!

A lot of information and representation to interact with and explore here.


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