Rotten Tomato Analysis

This is a cool collection of data analysis from that uses scores from the movie review site to chart the careers of actors and directors.

In addition to comparing the average career trajectories of actors and directors (a curious result!) and provoking interesting questions like “Why does the average rating seem to be falling over time?”, Slate provides a great little toy to play with:  the Hollywood Career-o-Matic.

Type the name of any actor or director into the Career-o-Matic and see a quantitative overview of that person’s film history graphed out in front of you!  You can even type multiple names and compare graphs!  Scrolls over the highs (and lows) to get film details.

A nice little data tool, and it’s easy to see some fun, informal data projects coming from this.  And it looks like it all started with this brilliant critique of M. Night Shyamalan.

Salaries and College Majors

This is a nice chart from the Chronicle of Higher Education that compares average salaries by college major.

Each vertical bar represents a high-level category (like Social Science or Engineering) and by scrolling over each bar you see a detailed breakdown of salary by specific major (like Poly Sci or Architecture).

Not surprisingly, math majors do pretty well, and the more applied, the better!

Crossword Puzzle: A Touch of Math

Here is an original 15×15 crossword puzzle I constructed, called “A Touch of Math“.

A Touch of Math 2011 – Patrick Honner

I would rate this puzzle as easy, suitable for those without much puzzling experience.

As the title suggests, you don’t need any special mathematical knowledge to complete this puzzle.  All of the long clues, and a few short ones, are math-related, but by no means is it entirely mathematical (constructing such a puzzle would be extremely difficult!).

Try it yourself, and feel free to use it with your students.


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