Teaching Math Using the Olympics

sochi olympicsThe New York Times Learning Network has put together a great collection of ideas to help teachers of all disciplines bring the Sochi Winter Olympics into the classroom.  I contributed to the math section.

For example, using this beautiful infographic showing the medal counts by country for all previous winter olympics, students can explore how countries perform when they host the games.

Use the medal counts to investigate the Olympic “home field advantage.” For each country that has hosted the winter Olympics, calculate the average number of medals it wins when hosting the games and when it does not. Do the host nations tend to win more medals? Do they win more gold medals in particular?

There are many other great ideas for teaching math, science and health here.  A separate set of ideas covering history, geography, and social studies can be found here.

A Conversation with Steven Strogatz in Math Horizons

MH Strogatz CoverI was excited to receive this month’s issue of Math Horizons, published by the Mathematical Association of America, which features my interview with Steven Strogatz!

Professor Strogatz and I had a lively and wide-ranging conversation about mathematics, teaching, writing, and the state of math education.  He is an engaging, curious, and open person, and I think all of that comes through in the interview.

Our conversation was so wide-ranging, in fact, that the interview occupies four pages in the magazine, the Aftermath editorial section at the end of the issue, and a few pages at the Math Horizons blog!

It was a personal honor, both to interview Professor Strogatz in an official capacity, and to be published in the MAA’s Math Horizons.

You can read a sample of our conversation here.  And get your copy of Math Horizons for the full interview!

Fun With One Cut!

At the 2013 TIME 2000 conference, I ran a workshop on mathematical folding called Fun With One Cut!  Here are a few of the introductory slides.

Fun With One Cut PresentationIn the workshop, students explored some basic properties of plane geometry through folding and tried their hands at the infamous fold-and-cut challenge:  given a plane figure drawn on  a piece of paper, is it possible to fold the piece of paper in such a way that the figure can be removed from the paper with a single, straight cut?

This is a fun, hands-on mathematical activity, and is connected to some surprisingly deep and rich results in both geometry and mathematical origami.

You can download the set of templates I used for this workshop here, and you can find more of my mathematical folding resources here.

Using Infographics to Teach Math

infographicsMy latest contribution to the New York Times Learning Network is a collection of ideas for using inforgraphics to explore mathematical concepts.

One activity has students look for ways in which graphs and graphics can be used to tell a particular side of a story.

Browse The Times with a critical eye. Think about the side of the story a given graph is being used to tell, and investigate how issues of interval and scale affect how the information is conveyed.  For example, in this Economix post, a graph is being used to show that unemployment is trending at a particular value, but the same graph with a different time interval makes the trend seem a little less significant.

The Times is full of beautiful representations of information, which create great opportunties for quantitative exploration, anaylsis, and discussion.  For more ideas, you can read the entire piece here.

2013 — Year in Review

PIH at MT^2-001A nice consequence of maintaining a blog is that it makes year-end reflecting very convenient.  And 2013 was certainly a full, challenging, and fun year!

In February, my talk “g = 4, and Other Lies the Test Told Me” was featured in GothamSchools.  The talk highlights how standardized testing often works in opposition to the work that teachers do, and was part of MfA’s inaugural Master Teachers on Teaching conference.  Video of my talk can be seen here.

In April, I hosted TEDxNYED 2013.  After speaking at the previous TEDxNYED, I was proud to be a part of bringing the event to Brooklyn Tech.  Many students attended and were able to enjoy a number of great, thought-provoking talks.  And two of my students gave a TED talk on the peer-to-peer math enrichment program they created!  You can see the video of their talk here.

In May, I was featured at Scientific American as one of the winners of the inaugural Rosenthal Prize.  And later in the year, my award-winning lesson on Sphere Dressing was published and made freely available by the National Museum of Mathematics.

In July I traveled to Enschede, the Netherlands, for the Bridges Math and Art conference, where I presented a short paper on teaching math through image manipulation and displayed some pieces in the Bridges art gallery.

In August, I ran a workshop at the inaugural MOVES conference at the Museum of Mathematics.  That month, I also wrote a piece for GothamSchools on how the new, common core-aligned New York State tests looked remarkably like the old exams.  The piece generated a lot of great conversation, and led to a thought-provoking blog-exchange with noted educator and curriculum specialist Grant Wiggins about testing, rigor, and mathematics.

In September I was named a New York State finalist for the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST). 

In October I ran a workshop on teaching and social media through Math for America, and met Fields Medalist Cedric Villani.

In November I ran a workshop at the annual TIME 2000 conference, and hosted artist and computer programmer Nathan Selikoff at Brooklyn Tech, who inspired our students with a talk about the history and practice of algorithmic art.

Coming full circle, in December I gave a talk at the second annual MT^2 conference, on my mathematical relationship with change.

And throughout the year, I continued to contribute to the New York Times Learning Network, writing many Test Yourself Math questions, and pieces on teaching the mathematics of infinity, how math is beautiful, Bitcoin and currency, and science and religion.

All in all, it was a busy, fun, and productive year, maybe even busier than 2012!  As is tradition, I’ll end this year hoping for a little more downtime in the next.

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