Speaking at NYSMATYC

NYSMATYC LogoI’m excited to be speaking at the upcoming conference of the New York State Mathematics Association of Two-Year Colleges (NYSMATYC) .

The NYSMATYC is the country’s oldest professional organization devoted to mathematics and two-year colleges.  The NYSMATYC  focuses on supporting mathematics teachers and students at two-year colleges across New York state through publications, awards, scholarships, and regional conferences.

The theme of this year’s conference is “The Career Journey” and runs April 4th-6th.  I’ll be giving the banquet keynote address on Saturday night, where I’ll be talking about my own career journey and offering my thoughts on the rapidly evolving landscape of of mathematics education.

You can find out more about the organization and the conference at the NYSMATYC website.

Pi Day 2014

I don’t usually celebrate Pi Day, but a variety of inspirations intersected at a fun project idea this time around.

Thanks to Math for America, I participated in a terrific workshop on Zometool earlier this year, led by George Hart.  We built, explored, conjectured, proved, and collaborated around a lot of rich mathematical ideas.  And this semester, Steven Strogatz is teaching a History of Math course at Cornell, and he has been generously sharing thoughts and resources online.  As a result, I have been reading up on the derivations of the volume and surface area formulas for Platonic and Archimedean solids.

So when I recently re-watched James Tanton’s brilliant video “What is Pi for a Square?“, the idea hit me:  for Pi Day, students could explore the value of “Pi” for various Zometool-constructible solids!

pi day combo

What makes James Tanton’s exploration so wonderful is that it highlights the invariance of Pi in circles (as circumference by diameter) while inviting students to play around with the notions of “diameter” “radius”, and “Pi” in regular polygons.  We’ll be taking the question “What is Pi?” up a dimension, and thanks to Zometool, we have a tangible context for our conversations and calculations.

We’ll be exploring properties of polyhedra, calculating areas, volumes and ratios, arguing about definitions, and comparing the sphereness of various things.  I’m looking forward to a great day of mathematics!  And perhaps discovering what the value of “Pi” is for a rhombic triacontahedron.

Aftermath — Steven Strogatz on Math Education

strogatz smallAs part of our conversation in the February 2014 issue of Math Horizons, Steven Strogatz shared his thoughts on the current state of math education in the Aftermath section of the magazine.

Here’s the beginning of his “I have a dream” speech about math teaching.

In my dream world, everyone would have the chance to be a teacher the way Mr. Joffray [Strogatz’s high school calculus teacher and the subject of his book The Calculus of Friendship] was a teacher.

His job was to teach us calculus, but he had his own vision of how to teach it and he followed that vision. He was creative, and he put his personal stamp on the course for us. He trusted his judgment, and the school trusted him. He could teach us the way he wanted to teach us, and he was a great teacher.

Math Horizons makes Aftermath freely available online, so you can read the entire segment here.

Regents Recap — January 2014: Systems of Equations

Here is another installment in my series reviewing the NY State Regents exams in mathematics.

Solving systems of equations is a fundamental mathematical skill.  Systems come up in a variety of mathematical contexts, and so they play a natural role in all high school math courses.

It’s not surprising, then, that solving systems of equations appear on all New York math Regents exams.  But what is surprising is how similar the questions on different exams are, given that the three exams span 3-4 years of mathematical learning.

For example, here is a problem from the Integrated Algebra exam.

2014 Int Alg Regents 37

Here is a problem from the Geometry exam.

2014 Geo Regents 9

And here is a problem from the Algebra 2 / Trig exam.

2014 Alg 2 Trig Regents 31

The question from the Integrated Algebra exam is actually harder than the question on the Geometry exam.  Ironically, the directive on the algebra exam is to solve the equation graphically.

The system on the Algebra 2 / Trig exam involves rational expressions and a quadratic equation, but these are skills students are supposed to have in the Integrated Algebra course, which they take 2-3 years earlier.

I have written about this phenomenon before, but it continues to strike me as odd that over the span of 3-4 years of mathematics instruction, this is the growth these tests are looking for.

Regents Recap — January 2014: Fill-in-the-Blank Proofs

Here is another installment in my series reviewing the NY State Regents exams in mathematics.

The January, 2014 Geometry exam included something I had not seen on a Regents exam:  a fill-in-the-blank proof.

2014 Geo Regents Proof 38

While I see some value in these kinds of problems in the teaching of two-column proofs, they shouldn’t be used on the final exam for a Geometry course.  The goal of teaching proof is for students to develop the skills necessary to construct their own proofs from scratch.  This problem reduces “proof” to a series of recall tasks.

So why not just ask the student to construct the proof from scratch?  The rubric suggests the answer to that question.

2014 Geo Regents Proof 38 Rubric

While grading an open-ended proof is hard, checking off a list of six reasons is easy!  Or so you would think.

Reports from colleagues who were grading this problem in a distributed grading center were disheartening.  In particular, there was a lot of disagreement about what constituted appropriate justification in moving from

\frac{RS}{RA} = \frac{RT}{RS}


(RS)^2 = RA \times RT

Apparently, teachers in the room wanted to accept “cross multiplying” as a legitimate reason, but would not accept “multiplication property of equality”.  The site supervisor agreed, despite my colleagues’ objections.

Problems like this highlight the tendency to test what is easily tested and graded, not necessarily what’s important.  And grading room stories like this should give pause to those who like to believe that these tests represent objective measures of learning or knowledge.


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