Number Dictionary

numdic 144This is a fun little website that offers information on numbers from 1 to 1000000:

For example, I put in one of my favorite numbers, 144, and saw four ways to write 144 as a difference of squares (always a useful little trick)  and five ways to write it as the sum of primes (in case we were trying to verify Goldbach’s conjecture).

I find the Mayan representation of 144 really cool, and the Roman Numeral representation will make this website handy for crossword puzzles!

Data Visualization

spiffier roslingThis is a fancier version of a well-known Hans Rosling video showing correlations between life-expectancy and income across time periods and geographical regions.

It’s truly a beautiful representation, and it really helps make sense of a large set of multi-dimensional data.

The original version is a bit more academic in feel, but you can’t blame Rosling for going a little Hollywood here.


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