Find Your Name in Pi

Name in PiThis is a fun and clever idea:  convert the decimal expansion of Pi into base 27 and name the “digits” A, B, C, D, … .  This creates a way to decode numbers into words and phrases (the ‘0’ digit is interpreted to be a space, or a punctuation mark).

With this in place, you you can search for your name (or any phrase) in the infinite expansion of Pi!

This will certainly excite all those cosmological conspiracy theorists out there!

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Math Cartoon

This is a well-done variation on a classic math joke.  I’m sorry I can’t credit the author–if you know whose work this is, please tell me.  (Updated:  this appears to be the work of Thomas Dobrosieilski (link).  Thanks to Alan for tracking down the author!)

math cartoon

Thanks to Ivan for pointing me to this!

Found Math, from the MAA

Found Math Slide ShowThis is a beautiful slideshow highlighting 2010 in Found Math, from the Mathematical Association of America (MAA).

This is a really cool project–catching photos of the math all around us–and there are a lot of really beautiful pictures here.  Keep your cameras on you!

Maybe I’ll submit a few of mine next year; perhaps the shadow tetrahedron, or the parabolic hillside.

The Packing Problem

Whether it’s spheres in a cylinder, presents in a stocking, cars in a parking lot, or potatoes in a pot, the packing problem is a classic mathematical idea rich in application and complexity.  Here is a nice little article on it, and just in time for Christmas!

The seminal result in packing is that spheres, packed cannon-ball style, can occupy around 74% of the available space when you pack them in, say, a cylinder.  The article summarizes some other interesting experiments involving the packing of other solids (including M&Ms!), but none of them can be packed as efficiently as spheres.

Unfortunately, this probably won’t help you get everything in your sleigh for the trip  to Grandma’s house, unless of course every gift you are giving happens to be a platonic solid.


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