Foam Pyramids

More from my fun with folding series:  after having fun making paper pyramids, I thought I’d try out foam board as a medium.  As before, I began by connecting the midpoints of the sides of the triangle to form its medial triangle.

foam triangle

Then I scored the medial lines, bent, and taped!

foam pyramid 1

A rotation gives a sense of how oblique this pyramid is.

foam pyramid 2

My students and I enjoy exploring questions like “Will this procedure always produce a pyramid?” and “What other kinds of solids can be formed in this manner?”

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Student Work: Curvefitting With Geogebra

Here is some student work from a recent project I conducted on fitting curves to images in Geogebra.  The details of the assignment can be found here, and more examples of student work can be seen on my Facebook page.

Students were asked to find pictures and use Geogebra to fit trigonometric curves to the images using transformations. Here are some of the results.

Smart Water = Smart Curves


My Good-Looking Windowsill


Sine of Camel Humps


Overall, I was really impressed with the creativity the students showed, and their facility with fitting these curves to the forms!  A mathematical and artistic success in my book.

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Menu Consistency: An Ode to Five Guys

There are many reasons to love Five Guys:  good burgers, fresh fries, and free toppings, to name a few.

But I’ve got another reason to praise this fast food establishment, one that is near and dear to my heart:  menu pricing consistency.

I snapped this photo at the Five Guys in Brooklyn.

Five Guys Menu 1

If you look closely and do the calculations, you will notice that the addition of cheese costs the same 72 cents no matter what sandwich you add it to.  Not only that, but the difference in price between Burger Type X and Little Burger Type X is $1.68, regardless of which Type (“cheese”, “bacon cheese”, etc) you choose.

It should be this way.  Cheese is cheese; an extra patty is an extra patty.  But I’ve spent a lot of time analyzing and deconstructing menus, and rarely are they so mathematically sound.  If you don’t believe me, just check out this Wendy’s menu!

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