Math Haiku

There are many reasons I personally love to write, and as a math teacher, I love getting my students writing about math.

One easy way to do this is to have students write math-themed haiku.  It’s a simple exercise, it gets students thinking about math in a different way, and the elegance and efficiency of the style is reminiscent of mathematics itself!

So enjoy some math-themed haiku from my Calculus students.

Solving math problems

Getting lost along the way.

You’re on the right track.


Must always seek out patterns

To make connections. 

Limit of a curve.

Tangent at infinity.

Straight line asymptote.

Triangles are shapes

They have sharp, pointy edges

Don’t let them poke you.

Got a good math haiku?  Let’s hear it!

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Counterproductive Deceptive Advertising

As someone who is both quantitative and skeptical by nature, I always head straight for the fine print of a deal:  that’s usually where you discover that it’s not as great as advertised.

Which makes the fine print here all the more confusing.  I saw “You Pay 2 $3” in big font and thought to myself “Ok, I’m getting two green peppers for three dollars”.

Upon closer inspection, I realized that the price was actually two pounds of green peppers for three dollars.  At around half-a-pound each, this means you really get about 4 green peppers for $3.  Isn’t that what you want to advertise?

I wonder how many people picked up a green pepper, thought “$1.50 is too much!”  and put it down.


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