Maybe Monkeys Can’t Do Algebra

giuseppe monkeyThere is a controversy brewing around Harvard scientist Marc Hauser, his research students, and his published results.  Some of Hauser’s work–which apparently focuses on the cognitive ability of non-human primates–has come under scrutiny, and one of his articles has been retracted.

According to the abstract, the retracted article (“Rule-Learning By Cotton Top Tamarins“) discussed how tests usually performed on human infants were used to “assess whether cotton-top tamarin monkeys can extract abstract algebraic rules”.  Obviously the results of the study are now in question, but it’s a fascinating idea nonetheless.

Game Theory and Rock-Paper-Scissors

This is an amusing infographic about some “strategies” for the game Rock-Paper-Scissors.

Although this graphic is a bit facetious, the author points out that there can be some real psychology behind playing the game.

I always thought it would be fun to build a simple computer simulation of the game, program different “players” with different strategies, and then run a bunch of tournaments and see what happens.






Computer Modeling of Gulf Oil Dispersion

oil spill modelThis is an interesting computer simulation of the potential spread of the gulf oil disaster throughout the Caribbean and Atlantic:

This reminds me of weather-prediction models:  input some initial conditions, set up the propagation rules, and then iterate, iterate, iterate.  Of course, modeling the mathematics of the initial conditions and the propagation rules is a huge challenge.

A Wiki’s-worth of Human Activity

This is an eye-opening visualization of “cognitive surplus” from

cognitive surplus

Thus, in the amount of time U.S. adults spend watching TV in one year, roughly 2000 Wikipedia-style projects could be created.

I once heard someone suggest a wikipedia as a unit of measure of collective human cognitive output.  So every year, U.S. adults spend 2000 wikipedias watching TV.  How can we more efficiently harness this cognitive surplus?

Making the Trains Run On Time

An interesting article in the New York Times (with a cool interactive graphic) digs down into the data of “on-time performance” for the three major NYC-area railways–LIRR, Metro North, and NJT.

trainThe official figure is that 96% of trains arrive on time.  This may be hard for the average commuter to believe, but it is technically true.  What accounts for this discrepancy between perception and performance?

As the data shows, trains were far more likely to run behind schedule during peak times (rush hours) than during non-peak times.  This makes intuitive sense–more people on the trains, more trains running simultaneously, and so more potential problems and delays.  But this also means that a delay during rush hour will affect more people, and thus have a greater impact on the perception of the train’s timeliness than, say, a late-night lateness.

Furthermore, there are only a couple of “rush” hours, so the total number of rush-hour trains is less than the total number of non-rush-hour trains.  The latter are more likely to run on time, and so their aggregate impact on overall performance dominates the calculation.

To simplify, if 5 out of 10 rush hour trains are late (50%), and 5 out of 50 non-rush hour trains are late (10%), then  the overall lateness ratio is 10 out of 60, or about 17%.  But a lot more people are riding the rush hour trains, and to them, it seems like the trains are late half the time.  This is a example of the Inspection Paradox.

There are also some interesting psychological principles at work here:  for example, people will generally think more about the one time they are late than, say, the 10 times the train ran on-time.  It will be even more significant if that lateness ends up costing you something–like a good impression on a client or a boss.


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