Who Has Done a Billion Dollars-Worth of Work?

billion dollarsSheryl Sandberg, the COO of Facebook, recently became one of the world’s youngest female billionaires. The Bloomberg article about this featured a curious quote from David Kirkpatrick, author of The Facebook Effect.

“Did she do a billion dollars-worth of work? I don’t know. She had the good fortune to land in the right place where her talents could really be applauded.” (link)

Critics rightly took issue with the gender-bias inherent in this remark. You’d be hard-pressed to find a high-profile business publication questioning whether a rich man really earned his wealth, I suspect.

But beyond this particular offense, the implication that anyone has done “a billion dollars-worth of work” is rather absurd. That this absurdity isn’t recognized speaks to both a general problem of numeracy and to a specific problem of contextualizing large numbers.

What would a billion-dollars worth of work look like? In some ways it’s an ill-defined question, but we can explore some simple cases to get a sense of the answer.

Consider someone working for the current federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour. A convenient rule-of-thumb approximation is that one’s hourly wage, doubled, is one’s yearly salary in thousands of dollars. (This assumes someone works 40 hours per week for 50 weeks per year, and so, a total of 2,000 hours per year.)

A full-time minimum wage worker therefore earns about $15,000 per year. At that rate, 7 years of work would be worth around $100,000, and so 70 years of work would be worth around $1 million. Since one billion is equal to 1,000 million, we see that $1 billion is equivalent to around 70,000 years of minimum wage-work.

Would any billionaire claim to have worked an equivalent of 70,000 years at minimum-wage? I doubt it. Not publicly, at least.

Some other benchmarks may help establish further context. For example, the average teacher salary in New York state is around $45,000 per year.  Roughly speaking, that’s $100,000 every two years, and so $1 million every 20 years. Thus, $1 billion dollars is worth around 20,000 years of teacher-work.

What about highly-paid professionals? Surgeons typically earn around $250,000 per year. A quick calculation shows that a billion dollars is worth about 4,000 years of surgeon-work.

While the article suggests otherwise, to me, the answer to the question “Has anyone done a billion dolllars-worth of work?” is pretty clearly “No”.

An interesting follow-up question might be, “Has anyone created a billion dollars worth of value?”

12/30/2013 — Happy Derangement Day!

Today we celebrate a Derangement Day!  Usually I call days like today a permutation day because the digits of the day and month can be rearranged to form the year, but there’s something extra special about today’s date:

derangement day

The numbers of the month and day are a derangement of the year:  that is, they are a permutation of the digits of the year in which no digit remains in its original place!

Derangements pop up in some interesting places, and are connected to many rich mathematical ideas.   The question “How many derangements of n objects are there?” is a fun and classic application of the principle of inclusion-exclusion.  Derangements also figure in to some calculations of e and rook polynomials.

So enjoy Derangement Day!  Today, it’s ok to be totally out of order.

12/03/2013 — Happy Permutation Day!

Today we celebrate a Permutation Day!  I call days like today permutation days because the digits of the day and month can be rearranged to form the year.

12032013Not only is today a permutation day, but it is also a double-transposition day!  We can turn the month and day into the year by first transposing the ‘1’ and the ‘2’, and then transposing the ‘1’ and the ‘0’.  Permutation days are also nice because, unlike Palindrome days, they can celebrated on both sides of the Atlantic without heated disagreement.

As usual on Permutation Days, I suggest celebrating by mixing things up!

Infinite Prime Gaps

p p+2The mathematics world is abuzz with news that someone may have proved a weak version of the Twin Prime conjecture.

A pair of numbers are called twin primes if the two numbers are both prime and they differ by 2.  Examples of twin primes include 11 and 13, 29 and 31, and 137 and 139.  Notice that for all prime numbers other than 2, twin primes are as close as two prime numbers could possibly be:  the number between the twin primes will always be even, and thus not prime.

The Twin Prime conjecture simply postulates that there are infinitely many pairs of twin primes.  Although it is simple to state, the Twin Prime conjecture has been hard to prove:  it has been an open question in Number Theory for hundreds of years.  But a breakthrough has been made.  Someone apparently has proved that there are infinitely many pairs of primes that differ by at most 70 million!

Now, being 70 million apart isn’t the same as being 2 apart, so at first glance this result may not seem significant or relevant.  But the difference between 70 million and 2 is nothing compared to the difference bewteen 70 million and infinity!  Essentially, this result says that no matter how far out you go on the number line, you can always find two primes that are relatively close to each other, where relatively close here means “no more than 70 million apart”.

And while being 70 million away may not seem close as far as prime numbers go, consider the following amazing fact:  given any number N, we can find a string of N consecutive numbers that contains no primes at all!  That is, we can find “gaps” between the primes as large as imaginable:  70 million, 700 million, 7 trillion trillion, and beyond.  What’s more, it’s quite easy to prove this fact.

Consider n! = n*(n-1)*(n-2)*...*3*2*1.  Since n! is the product of all the integers from 1 to n, it is clear that every integer less than or equal to n divides n!.

Now, since n! is divisible by 2, we know (n! + 2) must also be divisible by 2.  Similarly, since n! is divisible by 3, then (n! + 3) must be divisble by 3, and so on.   Thus, we have the following sequence of n-1 consecutive numbers

n! + 2, n! + 3, n! + 4, . . . , n! + (n-1), n! + n

none of which are prime!  For example, if n = 5, the numbers 5! + 2, 5! + 3, 5! + 4, and 5! + 5 are

122, 123, 124, 125

which are are consecutive and not prime.

Using this technique, we can generate strings of consecutive non-primes of any length.  For example, if we let n = 70 million, we’ll get a string of 70 million – 1 consecutive non-primes.  Or if we let n = 1 googol (10^{100}), we’ll get a string of  10^{100} - 1 consecutive non-primes!

This technique shows if we go out very far on the number line we are sure to find huge gaps bewteen prime numbers.  But according to the new mathematical result, no matter how far out we go, we can always find primes that are relatively close to each other.

This is a major result, and an exciting day for mathematics!


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