Presenting at TEDxNYED

I will be presenting today at the 2012 TEDxNYED conference at the Museum of the Moving Image in Queens, New York.

I will be giving a short presentation on creativity and mathematics.  I am very excited to be a part of the event, and to see other presenters like Christopher Emdin, Frank Noschese,  Bre Pettis, and many others!

The event will be live-streamed.  More information can be found at the TEDxNYED website.

Wind Art

This sculpture by Charles Sowers functions simultaneously as a stimulating piece of art, a representation of data, and an illustration of vector fields.

Windswept is a giant billboard covered in little aluminum arrows that twist and turn in the wind.  The arrows can be thought of as bits of data, namely, the direction of the wind that point.  Taken together, and dynamically, they give a sense of the complicated nature of swirling and changing winds.

Just like this wonderful wind map, this sculpture represents mathematical ideas in a beautiful and thought-provoking way!

Math Lesson: Summer Math

My latest contribution to the New York Times Learning Network is a collection of activities for having some summer fun with math!

I will definitely be enjoying the quantitative aspects of the Olympics this year, and I may just embark upon a personal data study like Stephen Wolfram did!

Any other ways to have fun with math over the summer?


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