Logicomix: A Mathematical Graphical Novel

logicomixThis is an innovative and intriguing idea:  a graphic novel based on the infamous struggles to articulate the foundations of mathematics.


The story is apparently narrated by the great mathematician and philosopher Bertrand Russell, and the cast of characters includes Georg Cantor, Kurt Godel, Ludwig Wittgenstein, and many other prominent figures from mathematics and logic.  A review in the New York Times can be found here.

The philosophy of mathematics is extremely interesting (start by asking yourself “What is a number?”), and this particular tale is truly a fascinating one.   I am eager to see how these graphic artists tell the story.

Guesstimation: Part II

I recently invited readers to try to guess the total value of the coins in this piggy bank.  I’ll share that data shortly, but I wondered how accurately someone could estimate the total value of the piggy bank if they knew the weight?

So, I weighed my pig.pig on scale

The full piggy bank weighed out to around 2996 grams.  I took some other weighings to find that a penny weighs approximately 2.7 g; a nickel is approximately 4.9 g; a dime is approximately 2.3 g; and a quarter is approximately 5.6 g.

Armed with this information, how much more accurate might the estimates be?

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The Ultimate Intelligence Test

ultimate intelligence testI’m not sure I believe this is the ultimate intelligence test, but this series of mental challenges is [mostly] enjoyable.


The “test”, which really seems more like a sophisticated data collection tool for someone doing research in psychology or cognitive science, consists of twelve ‘games’ that test various brain functions, like memory, planning, categorizing, and the like.  They are mostly fun, but be warned:  it can be a fairly taxing process.

It takes around 30 minutes to complete all the tests, and when you are finished (and complete a short survey), your results, and your relative rankings among all test-takers, are displayed for every activity.  In addition, the authors explain what they think each exercise is really testing.

It’s definitely a fun way to waste half-an-hour.  Just make sure you are well-rested!

Mechanical Calculator

Curta calculatorThis videos demonstrates the absolutely amazing Curta Mechanical Calculator.


Invented in the 1940s, this is an entirely mechanical multiplication device.  To operate it, you set the sliders on the side to the first number, and then turn the crank on top an appropriate number of times to multiply by the second number.  Because of it’s obvious resemblance, this is affectionately known as the pepper-grinder calculator.

In the video, the narrator takes his Curta apart and explains a bit of the inner-workings of the device.

If they don’t have one already, the Calculator Museum should definitely make acquiring a Curta a top priority!

Thanks to Ivan for showing me this!


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