Doodling in Math Class

Doodling in Math Class 1This is a brilliant video introduction to the fine mathematical art of doodling.

This video–one of several from vi hart–is an engaging, witty, and serious look at the mathematics one can explore just by doodling and playing around with a few basic ideas.  Sophisticated concepts in graph theory and knot theory spring up from some very simple, and very beautiful, sketches.

The creator of the videos is a bit hard on math teachers in her narration; apparently she’s had some bad ones.  The snarkiness definintely adds character to the videos, but it’s a bit excessive at times.

I’m sure it isn’t easy making innovative, mind-opening videos like this, but it isn’t easy teaching a class full of doodling students, either!

Yesterday in Triangle Appreciation

I woke up today quite upset that I had missed Triangle Appreciation Day.

Yesterday’s date, 12/10/10, should have been the perfect occasion to celebrate the 12-10-10 triangle:

10-10-12 Triangle

Rueful that I had missed the opportunity, I thought to myself “Better late than never”, and started to extol the virtues of this fine isosceles triangle.  But after working for a bit and experiencing some deja vu, I realized that I had already done this:  on 10/12/10!

So, I guess I was early, rather than late.  Happy belated Triangle Appreciation Day!


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