Mathematical Biographies

old mathematiciansThis is a comprehensive library of on-line biographies of mathematicians, brought to you by the School of Math and Statistics at the University of St. Andrews, Scotland.

This is a truly remarkable resource.  It looks as though they have thousands of mathematicians in the database, and you can search the biographies by author, region, area, or mathematical topic.

Each entry contains a bio, a list of publications, awards, pictures, and other related materials.  You can also check out their famous curves index.

Bravo, SMSUSAS!  This is the kind of thing that the internet was really made for.

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Logicomix: A Mathematical Graphical Novel

logicomixThis is an innovative and intriguing idea:  a graphic novel based on the infamous struggles to articulate the foundations of mathematics.

The story is apparently narrated by the great mathematician and philosopher Bertrand Russell, and the cast of characters includes Georg Cantor, Kurt Godel, Ludwig Wittgenstein, and many other prominent figures from mathematics and logic.  A review in the New York Times can be found here.

The philosophy of mathematics is extremely interesting (start by asking yourself “What is a number?”), and this particular tale is truly a fascinating one.   I am eager to see how these graphic artists tell the story.

Benoit Mandelbrot

b mandelbrotBenoit Mandelbrot died this week at the age of 85, leaving a giant mark on the worlds of mathematics and science.  Mandelbrot coined the term fractal, writing the seminal book on the topic in 1982–The Fractal Geometry of Nature.   By rejecting the generally accepted, if never actually articulated, notion that things were smooth, Mandelbrot challenged everyone’s notion of shape, distance, and dimension.

As is often the case, Mandelbrot was considered crazy at first, but he dies with almost legendary status.  We will likely be talking about fractals and Mandelbrot sets hundreds if not thousands of years from now, the way we talk about the Pythagorean Theorem and Euler’s Number today.

And as is also often the case, Mandelbrot’s brilliant and revolutionary ideas can be traced to a simple question that he chose to think of differently:  how long is the coast of Britain?

The answer, he was surprised to discover, depends on how closely one looks. On a map an island may appear smooth, but zooming in will reveal jagged edges that add up to a longer coast. Zooming in further will reveal even more coastline.

“Here is a question, a staple of grade-school geometry that, if you think about it, is impossible,” Dr. Mandelbrot told The New York Times earlier this year in an interview. “The length of the coastline, in a sense, is infinite.”

From Mandelbrot’s NYT’s obituary.

Socks and the Axiom of Choice

socksEvery time I buy socks I think of the Axiom of Choice.

About a century ago, mathematicians were arguing about exactly which basic axioms, or assumptions, were needed in order to justify all of our mathematics.  Because of the personalities involved and the nature of mathematical discourse at the time, Set Theory was the starting point, and one of the axioms under consideration was the Axiom of Choice.

Deciding on axioms is tough business:  an axiom has to be powerful enough to do something but obvious enough for people to accept it as true without evidence.  But deciding on axioms has to be done:  before we can prove anything, we need to assume something is true.

The Axiom of Choice essentially says that if you have an infinite number of sets, you can form a new set by choosing an arbitrary element from each of those sets.  It seems sensible enough, but fierce mathematical debate raged for years about whether this was obvious enough to be true.  Some mathematicians still don’t accept this principle.

So why would someone object to this sensible-enough idea?  That’s where shoes and socks come in.

Suppose you had infinitely many pairs of shoes.  There’s a straightforward way to define a new set that contains one shoe from each pair:  choose every left shoe.  This explicit rule make its clear how to construct this new set, and so forming this new infinite set seem reasonable.

But imagine you had infinitely many pairs of socks.  Since the socks are identical, you can’t give a specific rule that says “for each of the pair of socks, give me that one”.  You need to believe in the Axiom of Choice in order to believe that such a set, one containing one sock from each pair of socks, can really be formed without giving an explicit rule.

As it turns out, deciding to believe in this set of socks has substantial consequences for what you can prove in mathematics.  So there’s something to think about the next time you are sock shopping!

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How Do You Study Extinction? Commit Ecocide

E.O. WilsonI watched “Lord of the Ants” on PBS the other night, a documentary about biologist E.O. Wilson.  Wilson possesses the characteristics of the great natural scientist:  a never-ending fascination with the world, the persistence to keep asking questions and to keep looking for answers, and the discipline to focus on and master a specific domain.  Wilson’s impact has been both deep and broad, and he’s even been at the center of a scientific-political-cultural controversy–another benchmark of greatness.

“Lord of the Ants” tells the story of his scientific life–past, present, and future–and it is viewable here.  In Wilson’s story, a couple of cool math-y things caught my attention.

Wilson and Daniel Simberloff, a mathematician-turned-biologist, were interested in studying how ecosystems re-populate after extinction, so they fumigated a small island in the Florida Keys and watched what happened.

In particular, they wanted to know how re-population depends on the area of the region, and its distance from the “mainland”.   Furthermore, they wanted to see if the same number of different species would return, if the same, or different, species would return, and if the relative populations of the various species would return to pre-extermination levels.

Later, Wilson goes on to describe an “Iron Law of Ecology”, namely that a 10-fold increase in habitat doubles the number of species that can be supported there.  This quantitative analysis is obviously very useful for naturalists arguing in favor of preserving more and more natural habitat.


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