While on the beach one day, I found a triangular rock. So I started on some beach relief.
Then I iterated.
And I iterated again.
And I continued to iterate, until the whole beach was one big Sierpinski Triangle!
During an exploration into solid geometry, we discovered we could make these lovely flowers
by smashing the paper cones we had made.
Check out more math and art with paper on my Fun With Folding page.
Here is some student work from a recent project I conducted on fitting curves to images in Geogebra. The details of the assignment can be found here, and more examples of student work can be seen on my Facebook page.
Students were asked to find pictures and use Geogebra to fit trigonometric curves to the images using transformations. Here are some of the results.
Smart Water = Smart Curves
My Good-Looking Windowsill
Sine of Camel Humps
Overall, I was really impressed with the creativity the students showed, and their facility with fitting these curves to the forms! A mathematical and artistic success in my book.
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This is a fun and whimsical demonstration of bubble sorting through dance!
The dancers arrange themselves in numerical order in the same manner one would bubble sort an unordered list. One by one, each number “compares” himself with the number on his left; if they are out of order, they switch places. Make you’re way down the list, and start again at the front. Repeat until no one switches places and voila! everyone’s in order!
And just to be thorough, the troupe does dance-representations of Insert-Sort, Shell-Sort, and Select-Sort algorithms as well!