Calculus Gave Me a Speeding Ticket

aircraft speeding ticketYears ago, one sunny Sunday afternoon, I was driving home from visiting friends at college and received a speeding ticket.  I didn’t realize it at the time, but calculus played an important role in my citation.

You see, this was no ordinary speeding ticket, the kind where a police officer paces the offender or uses radar to measure a vehicle’s speed.  My speed was calculated from an airplane high above the road.  And the Mean Value Theorem clinched the case.

Aerial speed enforcement works like this:  large marks painted on the road divide the highway into quarter-mile intervals.  A pilot flying overhead uses a stopwatch to time a suspected speeder from one mark to the next.  Say the pilot records a time of 12 seconds; a simple calculation converts one quarter mile per 12 seconds into 75 miles per hour; this information, the average speed on this interval, is radioed to the police on the ground who then stop and ticket the driver.

What I didn’t realize at the time was how crucial calculus is in all of this.

A fundamental theorem of calculus, the Mean Value Theorem (MVT), relates the average rate of change of a function with the instantaneous rate of change of the function.  Suppose we have some function of time, f(t), and suppose that we know the value of this function at two times, say f(t_1) and f(t_2) .  The average rate of change of f(t) between t_1 and t_2 is

f_{avg} = \frac{f(t_2) - f(t_1)}{t_2 - t_1}

The MVT tells us that, as long as f(t) is a differentiable function, then at some time between t_1 and t_2, say at t = c, the instantaneous rate of change of f(t) must have been equal to the average rate of change of f(t) from t_1 and t_2.  That is,

f'(c) = \frac{f(t_2) - f(t_1)}{t_2 - t_1}

where f'(x) is the derivative of f(x), the instantaneous rate of change of f(x).

What does this have to do with my speeding ticket?  Well, as I’m moving along the highway in my car, the pilot records two values of my position function, x(t), at two different times, t_1 and t_2.  The pilot then computes my average speed

x_{avg} = \frac{x(t_2) - x(t_1)}{t_2 - t_1}

Here’s where calculus comes in.  The Mean Value Theorem says that, at some point between those two times my instantaneous speed must have been equal to my average speed.  If my average speed was above the legal limit, then at some time between t_1 and t_2, my instantaneous speed must have been above the limit, and at that moment, I was guilty of speeding.

I wonder if it would have helped to argue that my position function wasn’t differentiable!

Math Quiz — NYT Learning Network

nys drivers licenseThrough Math for America, I am part of an ongoing collaboration with the New York Times Learning Network.  My latest contribution, a Test Yourself quiz-question, can be found here:

Test Yourself Math — March 27, 2013

This question deals the new drivers’ licenses being manufactured in New York state, which are claimed to be “”virtually impossible to forge.”  Approximately how much will each license cost the state?


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