2021 in Tweets
Published by MrHonner on
Here’s a tweet-per-month review of my 2021. Enjoy!
I couldn't help myself. https://t.co/CHbkXDrE1D pic.twitter.com/Qn7OjxLNuR
— Patrick Honner (@MrHonner) January 2, 2021
Today I
— Patrick Honner (@MrHonner) February 2, 2021
• Discovered I didn't actually write the lesson I thought I had last week
• Posted an assessment without adding the problems the students were supposed to do
• Posted the *solutions* instead of the problems while rectifying the error
Happy Spring Semester everyone!
8 yo at dinner: "Dad, how can you use Calculus to add up infinitely many numbers?" pic.twitter.com/L8qXmHTO31
— Patrick Honner (@MrHonner) March 16, 2021
After a little help with a proof today a student exclaimed "OHHHHHHHHH! Transitivity is so powerful." and I'm not sure I could feel more accomplished as a math teacher.
— Patrick Honner (@MrHonner) April 29, 2021
I once heard a teacher say they didn't want to "low level" math courses because they would get bored teaching equations of lines over and over. I think I could teach equations of lines every day.
— Patrick Honner (@MrHonner) May 26, 2021
A student told me one thing she's nervous about next year is not recognizing her classmates because she doesn't know how tall anyone is and I can't stop thinking about it.
— Patrick Honner (@MrHonner) June 8, 2021
Nine days in and 95% of my summer so far has been elliptic curves, complex numbers, and Mario Kart.
— Patrick Honner (@MrHonner) July 6, 2021
Sometimes understanding math is as easy as understanding that sample standard deviation isn't the sample's standard deviation.
— Patrick Honner (@MrHonner) August 11, 2021
A year-and-a-half since I've taught a room full of students. Hope I've still got it!
— Patrick Honner (@MrHonner) September 13, 2021
Today in Linear Algebra two students were trying to show a pair of vectors were linearly dependent. One said "Maybe we can twist them and do the Gaussian thing", which made me think I might have actually properly taught and contextualized row reduction for the first time ever.
— Patrick Honner (@MrHonner) October 5, 2021
After distributing a group test I realized I had forgotten to delete the note "ANSWER: C" from below the last question. Students solved the problem anyway because they thought I very well might have put that there intentionally to mislead them. They get me.
— Patrick Honner (@MrHonner) November 24, 2021
I had to arrive late to school today and was welcomed with an unintended compliment from a colleague. When he walked by my classroom before I arrived, he saw my students hard at work on the task I had prepared for them in my absence. "I had no idea you weren't here."
— Patrick Honner (@MrHonner) December 6, 2021
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