EdWeek on Calculators and Common Core

Published by MrHonner on

graphing calculatorEducation Week has an informative and interesting article on how the new Common Core standards and the accompanying exams mesh with calculator use in math class.

The piece gives a nice overview of where and when calculator use is allowed across different states, how those policies match up with the Common Core standards, and how the new Common Core-aligned exams plan on dealing with the pros and cons of calculator use by students.  I am briefly quoted in the piece, as well, discussing appropriate use of calculators in the classroom.

One thing I had not considered is that mandating calculator use on the new Common Core-aligned exams will likely bring calculators into the hands of students that previously didn’t have them.

Ms. Cole said a key advantage of using online calculators is it levels the playing field to ensure all students, regardless of background or income level, use the same calculator on the test.

“The biggest benefit to me is the equity issue,” she said.

You can read the piece here.

Categories: Teaching


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