Reading in Calculus Class

One classroom activity I struggle to make time for is reading.  As an activity that can be done on one’s own, I generally feel that reading is not an especially productive use of class time.  That being said, I do try to make space for it on occasion:  it’s a nice change-up from routine, good material can make for a good discussion, and students of all ages seem to enjoy being read to, by teachers or by peers.

Finding appropriate reading material for a math class can be difficult, but Steven Strogatz’s excellent book, “The Calculus of Friendship,” was a great fit for my calculus class.  The book is part memoir, part homage, and part introduction to advanced calculus.  As such, it offers a readable balance of engaging narrative and challenging mathematics.

As a class, we enjoyed reading together about Strogatz’s mathematical journeys as told through personal narrative, letters to and from his former teacher, and the presentation of some particularly interesting math problems.  We also enjoyed working through some of the more advanced mathematical material presented in the book, like Fourier Series and differential equations.

It was time well-spent with my senior class.  While giving them a little taste of what might lie ahead, it also prompted some reflection on where they had been, and it all happened in the framework of some great mathematics.

And who knows:  now that the idea is planted, maybe I’ll become involved in a fruitful mathematical correspondence with one of my students someday!

More Clever Accounting

coffee-bagWell, they got me again.

I’ve become something of a coffee snob.  A few years ago I never drank the stuff, but now I buy good coffee and enjoy it.  To me, it’s worth paying a little extra per pound to get high quality coffee.  I just didn’t realize how much I was paying per pound.

Operating under the assumption that the standard unit of coffee beans was one pound, I assumed that I had been paying around $11 per pound for my coffee.  But recently I found myself buying coffee a little more frequently than usual.  So the next time I bought a bag, I threw it on my scale.

And then I took a closer look.


The fine print says this is 12 ounces of coffee, a full 25% less than the 16 ounces I naively assumed I was buying!

Come to think of it, my coffee shop doesn’t advertise prices by the pound.  If they did that, they’d have to admit that my bag of coffee was actually around $15 per pound, not the $11 that common experience might suggest.

I might not have noticed this, had I not recently had a similar realization about my orange juice.

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An Unbreakable Code

KryptosThis weekend the NYT profiled Jim Sanborn and his sculpture “Kryptos” which stands outside the headquarters of the CIA in Virginia.  In the spirit of CIA activities, the sculpture is itself a giant secret message–one huge cryptotext waiting to be decoded.  The irony is that no one has completely cracked it yet!

Apparently the first three parts have been decrypted, but the last chunk of the cryptotext still remains a mystery, some 20 years after the sculpture was erected.  So now Sanborn is handing out hints.

Here’s the cryptotext: the part in yellow is still a secret. Crack the code and become famous!

Kryptos 2

You may be offered a job by the CIA if you can successfully decode it!  At the very least, you’ll be getting some kind of attention from them.

The Art of the Ellipse

ellipse -- conicThis article, the first in a series about drawing, is about how important the ellipse is to the artist.

The author gives a nice, if long, explanation about the significance of the ellipse, but it basically boils down to this:  circles are everywhere. And often, when we are looking at circles, we’re looking at them atilt.  We see projections of the circle, and projections of circles are ellipses.

Think of it this way:  suppose you have a hula hoop and you hold it parallel to the ground.  The shadow you see is circular, but if you tilt the hula hoop, the shadow will change–into an ellipse.

I don’t have a hula hoop, so I made do with a key ring:


As the circular key ring is rotated, it becomes less parallel to the ground; the shadow becomes less circular and more elliptical.  And at the end, the ellipse vanishes–an ellipse eclipse!


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