Here is another installment in my series reviewing the NY State Regents exams in mathematics.
It is a true geometric wonder that a triangle’s medians always intersect at a single point. It is a remarkable and beautiful result, and the fact that the point of intersection is the centroid of the triangle makes it even more compelling.
This result should absolutely be a part of the standard Geometry curriculum. It important and beautiful mathematics, it extends a fundamental notion of mathematics (symmetry) in new ways, and it is readily accessible through folding, balancing, compass construction, and coordinate geometry.
But here’s what happens when high-stakes testing meets meaningful mathematics.

This wonderful result has been reduced to an easy-to-test trick: the centroid divides a median in a 2:1 ratio.
It’s not hard to see how such a fact can quickly become an instructional focus when it comes to centroids: if that’s how it’s going to be tested, that’s how it’s going to be taught. Of course, teachers should do more than just teach to a test, but there’s a lot riding on test results these days, and it’s hard to blame teachers for focusing on test scores when politicians, policy makers, and administrators tell them their jobs depend on it.
This is just one example of many, from one test and one state. This is an inseparable component of standardized testing, and it can be found in all content areas and at all levels. And for those who argue that the solution is simply to make better tests, keep this in mind: New York has been math Regents exams for over eighty years. Why haven’t we produced those better tests yet?