An Unbreakable Code

Published by patrick honner on

KryptosThis weekend the NYT profiled Jim Sanborn and his sculpture “Kryptos” which stands outside the headquarters of the CIA in Virginia.  In the spirit of CIA activities, the sculpture is itself a giant secret message–one huge cryptotext waiting to be decoded.  The irony is that no one has completely cracked it yet!

Apparently the first three parts have been decrypted, but the last chunk of the cryptotext still remains a mystery, some 20 years after the sculpture was erected.  So now Sanborn is handing out hints.

Here’s the cryptotext: the part in yellow is still a secret. Crack the code and become famous!

Kryptos 2

You may be offered a job by the CIA if you can successfully decode it!  At the very least, you’ll be getting some kind of attention from them.

Categories: Uncategorized

patrick honner

Math teacher in Brooklyn, New York


Ahmed Gouda · November 23, 2010 at 5:07 pm

If I don’t show up to class tomorrow, this is why.

kryptosfan · November 28, 2010 at 4:19 pm

It would be nice if there was some kind of reward or incentive to solve it. I think I’d rather not catch the attention of the CIA if possible though.

rita · July 2, 2015 at 1:46 am

i watched the movie mercury rising. and they had a “unbreakable code” MERCURY which was broke by simon a 9yr old autistic-savant. when nicholas kudrow (alec baldwin) learns this. he wants to get simon. fbi reegade agent art jefferies (bruce willis) protects simon and in the end kudrow gets caught and simon finally accepts art as a person he trusts.

i really liked mercury rising. im 16 and autistic. i like to crack codes in puzzle books but this one is hard.

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